Private German Lessons

Common countable and uncountable adverbs in German with English translations

Countable Uncountable German Adverbs Here is a list of some common countable and uncountable adverbs in German with English translations: Countable Adverbs • immer (always) Ich gehe immer zur Arbeit. I go always to work. • manchmal (sometimes) Ich trinke manchmal Kaffee. I drink sometimes coffee. • oft (often) Ich esse oft Kuchen. I eat […]

Remembering Possessive Pronouns Endings

One of the easiest ways to remember which endings fit with which German possessive pronouns it to recall that dependent possessive pronouns following the indefinite article declensions (e.g. mein = mein etc.), whereas the independent possessive pronouns follow the definite article declensions (e.g. meiner = der etc.).

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